义乌市可奈雅胶粘制品有限公司是双面胶带、电工胶带、美纹纸胶带、布基胶带、封箱胶带、管道胶带、警示胶带、泡棉胶带、文具胶带、镭射胶带、铝箔胶带、地毯胶带、牛皮纸胶带等产品生产加工的公司,拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系。义乌市可奈雅胶粘制品有限公司的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。欢迎各界朋友莅临参观、指导和业务洽谈。   Our steady growth over the years is a testimony to the quality of our products, the caliber of our sales representatives, and adherence to a strong distributor policy. We have a very reputation in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA, Switzerland, Netherlands, Denmark, Singapore, Thailand, South Africa etc. we will open our oversea market to all over the world. Let the KNY tapes reach everywhere. With the firm guided thoughts “working in serious and being in honest”, our company warmly welcomes work with all over the world customers. Your satisfaction is our greatest goal, your inquires are our food, Therefore, your willingness to try us is vital to the development and success of our company, in return, we will prove that you made right decision to work with us and give ...展开
浙江义乌市出口外单棕色封箱胶带 高粘封箱胶 多种颜色可定做
浙江义乌市出口外单棕色封箱胶带 高粘封箱胶 多种颜色可定做
PVC电工胶带 绝缘阻燃电器胶带 电线捆扎胶带 insulation tape
PVC电工胶带 绝缘阻燃电器胶带 电线捆扎胶带 insulation tape
厂家批发透明 封箱胶带(可印字)|50mm宽 打包胶带 热卖OPP胶纸
厂家批发透明 封箱胶带(可印字)|50mm宽 打包胶带 热卖OPP胶纸
广州供应 美纹纸胶带 皱纹 不脱胶 价格优惠 质量上乘 耐高温胶带
广州供应 美纹纸胶带 皱纹 不脱胶 价格优惠 质量上乘 耐高温胶带
长期生产 银灰色防滑布基胶带 自粘布基胶带
长期生产 银灰色防滑布基胶带 自粘布基胶带
义乌厂家供应 蓝色高粘美纹纸抗UV 溶剂 14天 出口品质
义乌厂家供应 蓝色高粘美纹纸抗UV 溶剂 14天 出口品质
价格优惠铝箔胶带 锡纸胶带 粘性好 大量生产批发销售 义乌厂家
价格优惠铝箔胶带 锡纸胶带 粘性好 大量生产批发销售 义乌厂家
直销彩色美纹纸 普通彩色美纹纸 彩色美纹纸 高粘彩色美纹纸
直销彩色美纹纸 普通彩色美纹纸 彩色美纹纸 高粘彩色美纹纸
大量批发封箱胶带 棕色封箱胶 48mm*100m 粘性好 价格优惠
大量批发封箱胶带 棕色封箱胶 48mm*100m 粘性好 价格优惠
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